Serving in Europe

*Names or location withheld due to the sensitive region they are in.

Doug & Myrtha*

Eastern Europe
Doug and Myrtha are part of a field leadership team for Eastern Europe. Their local team spreads the grace of Jesus through social media, working with local partners who do follow up.

Barrett & Victoria Harkins

Victoria and Barrett recently relocated to Santiago de Compostela, Spain to share the Gospel with thousands who walk the pilgrimage each year.

Danny & Christy Aanderud

Danny serves as national director for Novo UK, a UK missions agency focused on introducing people to Jesus, developing disciples that multiply, and supporting the local church in reaching their communities.

Matt & Zaklina Brooks

Matt serves as the Global Church Movements (GCM) team leader for Serbia. The goal of GCM is to see a vital biblical faith community in every village, neighborhood and high-rise so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Christ. They live in Split, Croatia where they are also planting a church.